Legal notice


In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of the 11th July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE, Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la InformaciĆ³n y el Comercio ElectrĆ³nico) below are the identifying details of the owner of the  (from this point forward, the ā€œPortalā€ or ā€œWebsiteā€):

GEDESCO, S.A. (from this point forward, ā€œGEDESCOā€ or the ā€œOwnerā€)
CIF: A08875684
Adress: PolĆ­gono Industrial La FerrerĆ­a. Avda. de La FerrerĆ­a, 59-71

Telephone: +34 935 753 032

Company registered in the Barcelona Mercantile Register, Folio 137, Tome 24290, Inscription 6ĀŖ, Page NĀŗ B-69098: Date 12-11-1992


This website has been designed to introduce general users to the activities and services offered by GEDESCO as well as for receiving potential clients, business contacts and job applications.

Mere access to the website, the use of the contents it offers, as well as completion of forms, and in general, any act of a similar nature to those previously listed shall imply, on the part of those who browse the website, the acquisition of the status of a user (from this point forward, the ā€œUserā€ or ā€œUsersā€) and the acceptance, without reserve, of each and every one of the norms integrated into the present Legal Notice. As a consequence, all Users must carefully read and understand the content of the present Legal Notice.

The conditions of access to and use of this Website are governed by law and the principle of good faith, obliging the user to only make proper use of the Website. No behaviors that break the law, or conflict with the rights or interests of others, are allowed. Access to the Website by users is freely available and free of charge, except for the costs of connection via the telecommunications network provided by the service provider contracted by the user. 

Industrial and Intellectual Property 

The intellectual property rights of this web site belong to GEDESCO. The said company shall be exclusively entitled to the right to exploit the contents of the website and, in particular, to the reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation rights, in line with the applicable Spanish legislation.

Any reproduction, distribution, marketing or modification and subsequent resale of the contents of the website that has not been expressly authorized by its owners constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by Article 270 of the Spanish Penal Code and corresponding civil law, and will result in legal action.

Taking into account all of the above, the User agrees to use the contents diligently, correctly and lawfully, in accordance with current legislation and in particular, he or she undertakes to refrain from:

  1. Using them for purposes, or with results, that would conflict with established laws, morality, generally accepted principles of good conduct or public order or instructions received from GEDESCO.
  2. Using them in a way which harms the legitimate rights of third parties.
  3. Using contents and, in particular, information of any kind obtained via the Portal or from the services to send advertising, communication for direct sales purposes or for any other commercial purpose, unsolicited messages directed at a group of persons, regardless of its intention, and also refraining from marketing or disclosing the said information in any manner or form. 

Commercial communication 

So that we can offer you the best possible service, you consent to receive commercial communications (these may be delivered via post, telephone, in person and/or via electronic data transmission) related to the provision of services on the part of GEDESCO, unless you signal your opposition to this by ticking the checkbox which you will find on the homepage of this Portal.

Please be advised that the said consent may be revoked at any time by contacting the following e-mail inbox:

In addition, we may ask you to provide personal information, via any form on our Website. The information requested may include, but shall not be limited to: your name, email address, phone number and the text of your inquiry, among other details. The form will indicate which information is mandatory and which information is optional. You will be responsible for providing accurate information to ensure the authenticity of the data entered via any form.

Your personal information will enable us to provide the best possible response to your requirements and needs. In addition, it will allow us to maintain contact with you, if it should be necessary, in connection with use of the Website. 

Data protection

The processing of personal data performed via this website is subject to the provisions of European Regulation EU 2016/679 regarding the Protection of Personal Data and to Organic Law 3/2018, of the 5th December, on Personal Data protection and digital rights guarantee. Access to and use of the services provided on this website signifies acceptance of this ā€œPrivacy Policyā€ by users.

Any data of a personal nature that may be captured and processed via this website shall be used to allow the provision of services provided via the same, to handle requests from Users and to manage commercial relations with yourself and will be subject to the mandatory reporting obligations as defined by European Regulation EU 2016/679 regarding the Protection of Personal Data and to Organic Law 3/2018, of the 5th December, on Personal Data protection and digital rights guarantee. In this respect, personal data provided by users, either via email or via the use of the various existing web forms on this online site, will be treated in accordance with the terms described in the informative clauses set with the same, as set out in European Regulation EU 2016/679, regarding the Protection of Personal data and to Organic Law 3/2018, of the 5th December, on Personal Data protection and digital rights guarantee.

In compliance with the stipulations of European Regulation EU 2016/679 regarding the Protection of Personal Data and to Organic Law 3/2018, of the 5th December, on Personal Data protection and digital rights guarantee, any data that may be requested from Users will only be those data that are strictly necessary, adequate and relevant to the purpose for which they are captured, and we will inform you, at the time of collecting that data, as to the compulsory or optional nature of providing the requested information, and of the consequences of providing or denying the information. Furthermore, if the forms or applications lack such clauses, the Privacy Policy shall apply. In any case, users will be responsible for the veracity and authenticity of the data provided, as well as any false or inaccurate declaration that arises as a result of the information and data provided and any damages that might result. By providing their personal data via any section of this online site, the user authorizes the processing of that data for the purposes indicated in each instance. The treatment of these data is responsibility of Gedesco SA.

The personal data of users will be treated following the necessary security measures in accordance with the provisions of European Regulation EU 2016/679 regarding Protection of Personal Data and to Organic Law 3/2018, of the 5th December, on Personal Data protection and digital rights guarantee. Furthermore, the confidentiality of data is guaranteed and it will not be communicated to third parties, except where necessary to manage the services provided through this website. Any User may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancelation, opposition, portability, forgetfulness and suppression, and limitation on treatment of personal data, by writing a letter enclosing a copy of his/her Spanish ID card or similar national identity document to GEDESCO Pol. Ind. La FerrerĆ­a. Avda. de La FerrerĆ­a, 59-71, 08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona, Spain) or by sending an e-mail to the address attaching a copy of his/her Spanish ID card or similar national identity document.

The owner also has the possibility of obtaining, in an organized and commonly used electronic format, a copy of the data that is being processed. You may decide to transmit this data to another system provided if the data object of that transmission is subject to an automated processing.

Also, GEDESCO, S.A. is authorized to possess your personal data, which will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations, as well as for the statistical and / or advertising purposes derived from our Newsletter.

A link is included below to the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (article 6.1g) of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of the 6th November, which partially modifies Law 11/2007 of the 22nd June regarding Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services).



This website does not contain links to any content belonging to third party. GEDESCO cannot accept responsibility for any security breaches that may be caused by the use of outdated browser software, or for any consequences that may arise from browser malfunctions, whether they be caused by improper configuration, the presence of a computer virus or any other factor outside the control of GEDESCO.

Likewise, we will not be held responsible for any security breaches that may occur, nor for any possible damage that they might cause to the Userā€™s computer system (hardware and software), or to files or documents stored on the same, as a consequence of the presence of a virus on the computer used by the User to connect to services and contents on the website, or of a browser malfunction or the use of outdated versions of the same. GEDESCO also reserves the right to update, modify or delete information contained on its website, and to change the configuration or presentation of the same at any time, without assuming any responsibility for it.

GEDESCO makes every effort to avoid errors in the contents published on the Website. All contents offered through the Website are updated, with the Owner reserving the right to modify them at any time. GEDESCO will not be held responsible for any consequences that may arise from any content errors that may appear on the Website.

Changes and updates 

We reserve the right to modify the present Legal Notice at any time. These changes will be applicable once published on our website and it is the responsibility of the User to read this Legal Notice whenever using this website.

The continued use of our website implies your acceptance and submission to the general conditions in effect.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction 

These General Conditions shall be governed by Spanish law. In cases where legislation foresees the possibility of both parties submitting to a jurisdiction, GEDESCO and the User, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that may be applicable to them, will submit any controversy and/or litigation for the attention of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

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